Concord MA Recreation Department
Register Now

Cancellation Policy



There will be a $25.00 ($50 for AfterSchool, BeforeSchool, Early Release at Hunt and Concord Carousel Preschool) fee if you must cancel or switch a class or activity once your registration has been processed. The cancellation/ change fee applies to each activity/program that needs to be altered. This applies to all Concord Recreation programs including membership at the Beede Swim and Fitness Center. Concord Recreation reserves the right to make schedule changes to better serve our members or to cancel/combine instructional classes and programs due to insufficient enrollment. Please see Childcare Services for additional information on schedule change fees.


A full or partial refund will be issued under the program participants name or a make-up will be scheduled if the Facility must cancel a class due to the following:
 1. Weather (Snow/Blizzard, Tornado, Hurricane, etc.)
 2. Mechanical issues
 3. Fire Evacuation

4. A documented medical illness that prevents participation in the program
5. Power outages
 6. No water supply

7. Town wide health emergency or closure
8. A participant must request a cancellation at least 7 calendar days before the program starts.
*please note that Summer Camp, AfterSchool, BeforeSchool, Early Release at Hunt and Concord Carousel Preschool are excluded and have separate cancellation/ change policies outlined in their handbooks. Please refer to those handbooks for those cancellation policies.

 No refunds or makeups will be issued for circumstances including, but not limited to:
 1. If you should choose not to attend for any reason (outside of a documented medical illness)

2. If cancellation notice is provided less than 7 calendar days before the program starts.
Every attempt will be made to schedule a make-up class at the end of the program session, which varies based on the program and staffing/ space/schedule availability. All situations outside of the ones mentioned above will be considered on a case-by-case basis.